
Transparent LED Film


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- story by MaterialDistrict

LED Film, also called LED-embedded Light Film, is a technology of surface-mounted light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on flexible, transparent conductive polymer films. This technology is based on the use of a cold curing pick-and-place process on transparent conductive plastics.

Products such as LED-embedded glass and LED headliner are possible with this technology. LED Film technology is usually used for glass products that have to be laminated for safety reasons, like laminated glass tables, balustrades and glass logo doors. Glass with embedded LEDs is even also used for media façades. LED Films can be based on a transparent conductive coating or based on a printed conductive coating. The main advantage of using a transparent coating is not only its transparency, but also the fact that film sizes of 3.5 m x 1.2 m can be achieved. Printed film can be used between 15 – 30 mA/LED. However, the size is usually limited to 0.75 m x 0.75 m. Transparent LED Films are produced on customer design request.

Printed Films allow stronger LEDs or separate control of many LED Groups but they are not transparent. LED colours can be amber, red, blue, green, white.


Material Properties