

ACM Coatings

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- story by MaterialDistrict

Superblack coatings and foils are made to absorb as much light as possible with a minimum of light reflection. These 3 sheets are all a superblack foils, but they all differ in detail.

Metal Velvet – Ultra Diffusive Coated Foil:

With a wide band performance, the Metal Velvet coating delivers the lowest available reflectance for UV VIS and IR light. By extension, Metal Velvet delivers highest in the industry light absorptance (99.99%) and is the solution when uncompromised optical performance is required. Metal Velvet foil is available with a self-adhesive backing allowing users to attach the thin flexible foil to virtually any surface.

Spectral Black – Semi-Specular Coated Foil

This foil delivers wide-band low reflectance across the spectrum from the EUV throught the VIS to the FIR, as well as a wide range of features and advantages. It can, for example, be applied in a wide range of straylight suppression and other applications where direct coating of parts is not practical. It is additionally Class 100 clean room compatible.

Maxi Black – Superblack Coated Polymer Film

Thin, flexible and durable, Maxi Black delivers the lowest in the industry reflectance across the spectrum from the UV through the VIS to SWIR together. Maxi Black is manufactured by innovative roll-to-roll thin film technology. The production site is equipped with up-to-date machinery allowing the manufacturing of thousands of meters of Acktar’s superblack film.

Material Properties