
Paper Tiles


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- story by MaterialDistrict

Paper Tiles began as a material exploration after witnessing the amount of paper waste from local industries. After an array of experiments, these paper tiles emerged as a successful product made from recycled paper. The tiles are as hard as board, light as cork, and can be printed or painted like paper. Other than their decorative potential, they have great sound absorbing qualities and are easy to install.

Paper Tiles is a totally handmade process, making each new tile different from the last. Combining different paper types  allows for all sorts of new and exciting variations. After shredding and pulping the paper, the process involve a long air-release drying process. Once dry, the tiles are screen-printed.

The tiles are currently offered in a 9″ (23cm) hexagonal shape and these tiles are available in a gradation of colours from natural browns to bleached whites and have endless printing options. Custom colours, thicknesses and shapes are all possibilities.

Paper Tiles is easy to install. Being made from lightweight paper, most adhesives will work with the tiles, from double sided tape to construction grade products, depending on the permanence of the installation.

These tiles can also be ordered with magnet backings for temporary or modular installations. This option includes metal plate backings for each tile as well as sealing the tiles for high traffic or high humidity areas.

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