
Bio Laminates


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- story by MaterialDistrict

Bio Laminates are made from starch adhesive and used material fibers that are considered waste or have no apparent function. The starch adhesive is modified as needed to accommodate the various particulars of the different fibers used. Bio Laminates are 100% biodegradable and 100% toxin free. The manufacturing process is energy efficient (low temperature production), low in terms of water consumption and results in no water pollution.

Many of the rural riches in the north of Holland evaporated with the arrival of oil – along with a long tradition of natural fibre and potato starch technology. With the scarcity of oil on the horizon, the remarkable properties of starch are being rediscovered by companies such as HuisVeendam in order to provide sustainable material alternatives.

HuisVeendam applies the technology of modifying starch as a means of upgrading waste resources, replacing synthetics and enhancing local plant fibers. This company aims to show that local starch resources can once more drive industry, create local wealth and inspire designers.

Material Properties